Mental health


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Suicide Call Back Service provides phone and online counselling for anyone struggling with their mental health including anxiety, depression, feeling low, stressed or having suicidal thoughts.

Suicide Call Back Service has a number of resources available that can help you through this difficult time. If it is an emergency call 000.


How to support your emotional health during the pandemic

Taking the time to support your emotional health during – and after – the pandemic will help you cope better and readjust to normal life.

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Managing workplace stress

Are you feeling overwhelmed at work? You’re not alone. Workplace stress can impact all of us. This article explores the causes of stress at work and equips you with strategies to manage it

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Staying on top of working from home during COVID-19

Due to the current COVID-19 crisis, many people have found themselves working from home. There are many benefits to working from home, as well as some pitfalls. Here we look at some of the challenges and how to stay on top of working from home.

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Looking after your mental health during COVID-19

Stress and anxiety can have a negative impact on your health – both in the short and long term. Learn how to look after your mental health during COVID-19.

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Do I need a mental health day?

Taking a mental health day can help stop those little problems from turning into bigger problems and reduce your stress levels. Learn how to take a mental health day.

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Is feeling anxious normal?

All of us feel anxious sometimes. You may be feeling anxious if you have an important presentation coming up or a big project that is due – these feelings are unpleasant, but it should stop once the event is over. This feeling of anxiety, nervousness and worry is normal and lasts for a short time.

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How to balance living and working from home

Remote working isn’t the future of how employees work, it’s already here. But sometimes balancing working from home with living from home can be difficult. Read our tips on how to work remotely.

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Protecting yourself and others online during COVID-19

It’s never been more important to stay virtually connected. Yet increased internet usage has seen a rise in cyber bullying, phishing scams, conspiracies and misinformation. Here we look at the current risks of engaging online, as well as ways to help others (particularly young people) combat these and stay safe online.

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When to take a mental health day

With three million Australians currently living with anxiety or depression, it’s no wonder we sometime need a mental health day! At times we place more emphasis on physical health in the workplace than our mental health. Look out for these signs you may need a mental health breather.

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Taking care of yourself at work

Most people work a 36-40 hour week, but there are also a lot of people who work more or less than that. Regardless of how much you work, it can still take a toll on your mental health.

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Forming new habits

It’s the new year, and you’re already struggling to keep up some of your resolutions. You started off with the best intentions; forming new habits, but now it’s hard to break the old ones! To help, we’ve compiled some advice below.

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The pressure to appear happy, could be making you unhappy

When perusing social media platforms, one thing becomes very clear. Everyone is trying to portray themselves as though they are 100% happy all the time. But we’re calling it – Sometimes life sucks. Sometimes you lose your job, your partner or your house. But you know what? It’s okay to acknowledge and talk about difficult feelings.

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