Mental health


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Suicide Call Back Service provides phone and online counselling for anyone struggling with their mental health including anxiety, depression, feeling low, stressed or having suicidal thoughts.

Suicide Call Back Service has a number of resources available that can help you through this difficult time. If it is an emergency call 000.

Significant days

Mental health week

This Sunday is World Mental Health Day and the start of Mental Health Week in Australia. The theme this year is Do You See What I See? It’s a campaign that challenges some of the stereotypes and perceptions of mental illness.

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What is

Symptoms and causes of anxiety

Anxiety is more than a passing feeling of being worried or nervous when you have an important or stressful event coming up. When anxiety is long term and doesn’t go away after a stressful event, it can start to affect your everyday life. Here we look at the anxiety symptoms and causes of anxiety.

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Tips for taking care of your mental wellbeing

We all need to focus on our mental wellbeing to stay balanced and healthy in life. Follow these tips to improve your mental wellbeing.

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Looking after yourself in the workplace

If you spend a lot of time at work, what steps can you take to ensure your workplace isn’t negatively impacting your mental health? Here’s how to look after your wellbeing at work.

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